Personal Residence of James Farmers ‘Farmdale’
Perry, Georgia
Featured in Atlanta Home Magazine Spring 2016 “Family Ties” Southern Living Magazine House Plans 50th Anniversary House Plans and Southern Living December 2016.


Front Garden

Front Facade

Side Entry

James Farmer and Sampson



Living Room


James in the Kitchen!

Dining Room

Dining Room

Dining Room

Waller Room

Master Bedroom

Rear Gallery


Featured in Atlanta Home Magazine Spring 2016 “Family Ties”
Southern Living Magazine House Plans 50th Anniversary House Plans and Southern Living December 2016. Also in his new book A Place to call Home James Farmer, a native of Perry, Georgia, is fast becoming the nation’s next lifestyle guru. His seven bestselling books—starting with A Time to Plant and leading up to the latest, A Time to Celebrate— He is known for his TV appearances, blogs, Senior Contributing Editor of Southern Living Magazine. ”The house is a vernacular style house with board and batten, exposed rafter tails and a metal roof. The interior is very warm and welcoming – just like James Farmer! There’s a connection to Middle Georgia everywhere in the house,” says James. “The materials and scale of the house are just right”. It’s not trying to be something it’s not. It’s just as genuine as James himself.”
Interiors by James T. Farmer